Workin’ It
As you can see, our furry friends do have jobs to go to. In public, they appear as human as anyone else; if they’re concealed from public view, or if they’re making an aside to you, Constant Reader, they are seen in their furry form. I thought you might like to know that they aren’t restricted to the house. They just prefer it there. (Wouldn’t you?)
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I’ve been in both Lightfoot’s and Theo’s “shoes,” and I definitely feel their pain!
Waitaminut Tristan. I thought it was established that it was the magic of the house that allowed them to let their furry selves out.
Out in the allegedly “real world,” we can see them in their furry forms if they’re alone (away from prying eyes) or if they’re making a private comment that we can see, usually as a thought bubble. We saw this first with Ophelia at her law firm, when she couldn’t believe her boss wanted to be called “Dr. Doolittle.” (“Proper Titles”,
Panel 1 response: “Can you say oxymoron?”
Panel 4 response: I feel your pain, man.
ROFLOL@legal firm’s name.