Jockeying for a Position
Sometimes, it’s not a good idea to combine court rules with courtly manners. Never fear; just like her real-life counterpart, Nickey’s not one to stay embarrassed for too long. I think Sheila’s playfulness explains a lot about her friendship with Theo. There just might be a bit of backstory about those two… but I’ll keep you in suspense about it, meanie that I am.
This strip is the second of many underwritten by my fond friend Flare Starfire, whose magnificent music can be found and downloaded, absolutely free, from his website, Shire Records. He has been inspired by his recent move to the deserts of Nevada and (at the risk of putting some unintended pressure on him) there may be a 19th album slowly in the making. His work is entirely improvised, and it’s all amazing. Enjoy!
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