Different Somehow
Nickey may never know… or will she? It’s early days, and a good relationship takes time to build. We can always hope!
I once again thank “Ambrose Bierce” for his/her partial funding, to make this strip possible. The donor who funded half the cost of this strip wishes to remain anonymous, so chose the pseudonym of the brilliant author of The Devil’s Dictionary. In that august volume, my benefactor tells us, we will find the following definition of Politics — “A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.”
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It looks like the two ladies positions are reversed in the first panel, and Sheila seems to have lost her Cockney accent in the same panel.
A fine catch! When I was proofing, I simply took the change in viewpoint (moving to look over Sheila’s shoulder) as moving the action of panels forward, not taking the background scenery into account. As readers will notice, that’s been fixed. For the accent, it’s difficult to make every word ring true by changing spelling or truncating words throughout the speech bubble. I’m hoping that the last panel makes up for it a bit. Thanks for pointing it out!
Still have the feeling that she needs to visit the house
To quote from the famous 1960s television show, “That would be telling.” I can promise that this isn’t the last time we see Nickey.
Nicky reminds me so much of myself. I too have trouble starting with people, and keeping them. But ones that stick with me, find someone who is quite special.
Well done strip
Many thanks! I’m glad that you’re enjoying the comic. It’s great to hear from our readers, and we appreciate it.
Er, why is it daylight outside? Shouldn’t it be nighttime?
*whistles innocently* Why, whatever do you mean? 😀
You were absolutely right! This strip, and the three before it, had been approved with a daytime background. The fine folks at Oray Studios aren’t to blame; I failed to catch it! We corrected all four yet, somehow, I missed this one and posted the old (daylight) version. Thank you for spotting it. I’ve been “going on automatic” for a little too long here, lol. The corrected comic appears above.